This is an attempt to gather all those mostly humorous stories from mommies-to-be and mommies who wonder what happened to their brain cells once they got pregnant.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'll be the first to go

Yesterday, I left work with one and only one chore in mind. Go to Safeway because they had the 6 pack Pepsi bottles Jeff takes to lunch for $1.99 each. Also, I needed to get some stuff for my parents' visit - some flour, fruit, salad stuff. so, I start driving away form work, fully intending to stop at the Safeway along the way. I miss that exit. No big deal. There's another Safeway a few miles past my house but it's nicer, so I'll go there. I get on 95, intending to take 100 to this Safeway. I go past 100, I go past the next exit which is 175. My brain says oh 100 must be after this. I see the next sign, it says 32 ... uhh that's way south of us. Where the hell am I going?

I take the 32 exit, there's no easy way to get back on 95 going north. Whatever, I get back on, make it to Safeway. Can't find the soda coupon, which expired yesterday. Ok, no sodas for Jeff yet. I get everything else, get home, put everything away. Realize I didn't get the flour either.

So, yesterday was a major fail for me and a major win for Preggo Brain.

And, I think we might need a logo for Preggo Brain.