This is an attempt to gather all those mostly humorous stories from mommies-to-be and mommies who wonder what happened to their brain cells once they got pregnant.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

0 rooms or 2?

Jeff and I had tickets to the Jimmy Buffet concert for last Thursday at Jiffy Lube Live in VA. Anyone who knows me knows that I have had the driving plans, the staying the night plans, where to eat, etc. everything planned out for months in advance. So, come Wednesday, I figure I might as well get our hotel confirmation, the tickets and everythign else into my purse so I don't forget on Thursday. I was going to leave early from work Thrusday afternoon, pick up our suitcase, the dog, things for my parents (we were driving to NC on Friday), and head down to the hotel.

I look at the cork board in our study where I usually tack all such things. I get the concert tickets but there's no hotel confirmation. I figured I printed it out at work and left it there. I look through my inbox and don't see anything in there, realizing I probably deleted the email after printing it. So, now I start searching. Delted folder, spam folder, inbox, sent ... everything. No confirmation! I log into my account since that's who I usually book our hotels through and nothing was in there. I looked at Fedrooms since I get a discount for being a federal employee but there's no login there so I have no clue. After spending a couple hours searching for this confirmation, I realize I never made a booking!!! Not good, since I need a hotel that'll take dogs.

So, I went back into and found a Red Roof Inn that had a king size non-smoking room available. Hallelujah. I booked it and paid for it. All set.

Thursday afternoon, I drive down and check in. The lady at the check in desk says "you have 2 rooms booked with us."


Thankfully, they cancelled the one I booked through Fedrooms, so I only had to pay for 1 room. But, hey pregnancy, if you'd stop eating up my brain cells, I'd be very very grateful!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'll be the first to go

Yesterday, I left work with one and only one chore in mind. Go to Safeway because they had the 6 pack Pepsi bottles Jeff takes to lunch for $1.99 each. Also, I needed to get some stuff for my parents' visit - some flour, fruit, salad stuff. so, I start driving away form work, fully intending to stop at the Safeway along the way. I miss that exit. No big deal. There's another Safeway a few miles past my house but it's nicer, so I'll go there. I get on 95, intending to take 100 to this Safeway. I go past 100, I go past the next exit which is 175. My brain says oh 100 must be after this. I see the next sign, it says 32 ... uhh that's way south of us. Where the hell am I going?

I take the 32 exit, there's no easy way to get back on 95 going north. Whatever, I get back on, make it to Safeway. Can't find the soda coupon, which expired yesterday. Ok, no sodas for Jeff yet. I get everything else, get home, put everything away. Realize I didn't get the flour either.

So, yesterday was a major fail for me and a major win for Preggo Brain.

And, I think we might need a logo for Preggo Brain.